
Comments (1)

What do you think?

It looks very interesting.

Netships is an arena deathmatch game where each player control a spaceship to fight and destroy others to score frags. The first to hit the fraglimit wins.
Players may use a variety of weapons, each with different mechanics and different energy/ammo costs. They can also collect items in the arena to boost themselves.

The game still quite simple, but I plan to add more content like different game modes, maps, modding capability, and stuff.

I originaly started this project to learn how to code an online multiplayer game. Some friends enjoyed the idea and now im continuing it.
I think I will change the name in future.

#online #multiplayer #space #arena #deathmatch

Mild Fantasy Violence


Finally added some intelligence to the bots (they used to be completely random). They are now capable of searching for opponents and pursuing then to shoot accurately.